Making Your Own Soil

How to Make Your Own Soil DIY Potting Soil | Considerations: location of whatever you’re planting (inside and/or outside) Making Your Own Soil Quick Instructions 9 Ways To Nourish Your Soil Mix in a specific amount in solid form, in soluble form (i.e. water), composting with decomposing fruit peels, grass clippings that have not been sprayed with any pesticide/insecticide/herbicide, fallen tree leaves, egg shells, coffee grounds, fish tank water, ground crustacean shells and more. Always check the soil pH if you amend your soil. Considerations: How slow or fast do you want the amendment released? Resources Table of Contents

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Taking Care of the Soil

Soil & Soil Health Workshop Recording Principles of Soil Health How to Make and Nourish your own Soil How to help your soil retain more water Places to Buy Seeds Soil Contamination Testing Logan Labs | Send them samples, and they will send you results. Soil testing is an important part of creating a healthy ecosystem. Whether it be a backyard garden or a cash crop, the health of your soil matters. Watch the video to learn more about why you should soil test. Soil and Plant Nutrient Testing Laboratory | Currently accepting new orders for ROUTINE SOIL ANALYSIS (including optional Organic Matter, Soluble Salts, and Nitrate testing), PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS, PRE-SIDEDRESS NITRATE (PSNT), and SOILLESS MEDIA orders ONLY. Please do not send orders for other types of analyses at this time.  Resources Table of Contents

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